Roots Activity Learning Center

Early Childhood Enrollment and Parent Orientation is Year-round.
Documents Needed for Enrollment
Parent Responsibilities Contract
Reenrollment/Enrollment Packages
Re-enrollment/Enrollment Check-Off Sheet
Authorized Emergency Contact List
Enrollment Agreement for Child Care
Enrollment Agreement for Summer School
Academic, Behavioral &
Academic Data
Performance Objectives
Subjective Report
Teacher Strategies
Health Data
Physical Examination/Shot Record
Dental Examination (three years and up)
We participate in the Childhood and Adult Care Food Program.
1. Application/Enrollment Fee - $75
2. All tuition covers student insurance and most field trips
3. School-wide monthly celebration of Student Birthdays
4. Tuition Assistance Available through OSSE.
Infant - six weeks to twelve months
Thirteen - thirty-six (36) Months
Pre-K - three & four years old
Primary: 1st - 5th grade Before & After Care
5. **1/2 due on the 1st and 1/2 due on the 15th
Discount for parent involvement may apply.